Kicked Out of D.S.O.B.A

Created by Simon one year ago

With Peter (who was messing around with the tape recorder used for "Monsieur Thibaut" and the French language teaching method of 1968 - Ray Stock (a former pupil of the Dunstable Ashton Grammar School - endowed and built with money donated by Frances Ashton) walked in, made a snap judgement on what he saw and everybody nearby naughty Peter, was 'nicked'. Here's what we saw and (as the native language of Ukraine wasn't on the curriculum) Peter struggled to learn French. Somehow Peter ended up in the same class as Shell 'B' and Dave Bexon. By this time, Peter was used to being accused (sometimes falsely) of things he hadn't done. Anyway - according to Roger Emburey - the subject of 'homework' came up, but Peter wasn't paying attention.

Dave Bexon asked (meaning by way of homework) "And what have YOU done, Kicul ?"

Defensively - with a wouded tone in his voice - "I ain't dun nuffink !"

And he hadn't ! neither homework, nor broken any school rules. The other kids laughed to hear it - because they all knew and loved Peter and knew what he was like. "I ain't dun nuffink" was something they'd all hear before in a litany of (sometimes justified) denials.

I used to belong to the Dunstable School Old Boys Association - but we've fallen out over a girl.. well ALL girls, as it goes. They won't allow anybody female into their social events.

So they have a High Court Judge among their number. So I gave them an ultimatum. Allow women into your social events.. or I'm off.

So that's it.. I'm out and although welcome, no girls came to the first Coeducational celebration of Frances Ashton - the girl who paid for the Ashton Grammar School to be built. Unlike Peter I have dun sumfink ! 
