F.A. Walpole
Created by Simon 9 years ago
One of my fondest memories of Peter, as his teenage schoolfriend, were the visits I made to Leighton Buzzard at weekends; plodding around the town and seeing it, anew, through Peter’s eyes.
We were out one Saturday morning, aged about 12 or 13, having been to a cafe and drunk tea and illicitly smoked Senior Service cigarettes.. and Peter said ‘Let’s go along to Fanny Annie Walpole’s shop’.
I honestly couldn’t believe that such a person or place really existed outside of his imagination. But as we rounded the corner, the legend on the shop ‘F.A. Walpole’ was clearly visible.
Then as we entered the shop a very elderly grey-haired lady, who looked for all the world as if she might truly be the owner of a name like ‘Fanny-Annie’ was sat in a chair beside the counter and served us. Only in Peter’s company were such things not only possible, but normal !